The Spring semester focuses on movie genres, while the Fall semester introduces movie directors. I use Golden Age of Hollywood, a Macmillan LanguageHouse text, as supplemental material. The images below show my weekly topics (14 classes per semester) and which units from the text I use for which topics. Click the thumbnails below for a larger view.
Note that the Fall semester textbook units do not match my syllabus perfectly, so the pairings are somewhat arbitrary. However, when I present the material, I verbally make a link, such as how "King Kong" has some similarities to "Jurassic Park," and Spielberg has been quoted as saying he loved the movie "King Kong" as a child and he drew inspiration from it. "King Kong" could also be paired with director Peter Jackson, as Jackson did a re-make of this classic movie. However, since I present Hayao Miyzaki and Peter Jackson in one class, I feel we don't have time to use the textbook on that day.
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