Sunday, January 4, 2015

Introduction to the Screen English Presentation Blog Site

Welcome to the 'Screen English: A Practical Movie Course Guide' blog site. This site is for teachers. It was made for the purpose of supplementing my JALT 2014 presentation and for making handouts and links easily available to everyone. I have submitted a paper on the same topic to the 2014 JALT Conference Proceedings, and my hope is that the article and this site will prove useful to teachers interested in teaching listening skills and movie appreciation to their students. Teachers can find all handouts and links mentioned in the article in the same order they were presented. Additionally, the last post of this blog has all of the links and handouts gathered on one page.

Screen English: A Practical Movie Course Guide - Link to JALT Conference Proceedings article - JALT 2014


My students are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year university English majors, mainly from the Culture stream (other streams being Literature, Education and Communication). TOEIC levels range from 220-550. The class is a  year-long course  that meets once a week for 90 minutes. We meet in a computer room with 70 PCs that have headphones and DVD drives. The projector and audio quality for this room are not ideal, so the class material is mainly presented online on a Blogger site (like this one) which makes the course a blended learning course. My typical procedure is to introduce the day's topic, then have students access the course blog site. I usually have students view some movie clips or trailers linked from my site, and then we do one or more listening activities as a class, several of which are presented here. I usually finish the class by having students write a comment in the comment box of the blog post for that day. All students must have a Google account to do this.

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