Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ordering Activity: Top 10 Animated Disney Villains

Ordering activities are great for mixed level classes, as everyone can participate with even partial comprehension. The following activity uses Top 10 video clips found on Two versions of the activity are provided, a Disney and non-Disney version.

Activity File: Top 10 Animated Disney Villains

Pass out an A4 paper copy of the handout above. Tell students that prizes are involved in the activity,
but students must listen and actively participate to win. Only a few winners will get prizes, but everyone must focus to know if they are the winner or not. Students must not watch the video clip until the teacher tells them to. In my own case, I reveal the link to the video clip on my course blog site only at the last moment.

First ask students to fill in the names of any villains they recognize and the names of the movies they appear in on the handout. Students can ask for spelling and clarification of movie titles if they like. After students have filled in the form to whatever extent they can, the teacher goes over the answers with students as a whole class. Teachers may choose to expand on the movies or characters to any level desired at this point in the activity.

After the handout is filled in, ask students to make a 'ranking' of the villains, from least evil (10) to most evil (1). Some students may not know much about the villains, but to win the activity, they only need luck, not skill or movie knowledge. They do, however, need to participate and listen to the video when it's time to show it in order to know if they've won a prize or not. It's basically a lottery, and the villain rankings are their lottery number. They can only know if they've hit the lottery by paying attention. *Make sure every student has filled in their rankings before they see the video clip.

When all students have written their rankings, from 1 to 10 on their handouts, it's time for them to view the WatchMojo Top 10 Animated Disney Villains clip. Students should watch the clip and see if their own rankings match the 'definitive' rankings on WatchMojo. Any rankings that match are a hit, while any that do not match are a miss. I typically use the honor system, but you can also have students exchange papers for the scoring. After students have viewed the clip and scored their papers, go over the answers again as a whole class, and students count up how many hits they have. The students with the greatest number of hits get prizes that the teacher has prepared in advance.

In my own class, I actually use a different version, Top 10 Iconic Movie Villains, also from WatchMojo. Here's the handout to go with the video clip and a link to the video clip on YouTube:

Activity File: Top 10 Movie Villains
WatchMojo Top 10 Iconic Movie Villains

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